Facebook released Business Manager today. I am writing this without first hand knowledge because I have no access to manager at the time being. I think this is in a step in the right direction for managing larger organizations on Facebook. I have said for years that Facebook needs a better way to manage pages, ads and apps. A central location where you can administer users, permissions and more.
My ideal concept is to have a total business account where everything resides and it’s not tied to one person’s account. Where its controlled by a company and they can create pages. This is so if an employee leaves the page won’t be hijacked by the departing employee. This isn’t quite that but a step in the right direction.
The changes in this that Facebook gets points for is:
- add admins with out being friends and can do it just by having just their work address.
- It doesn’t pull info from your personal account
- revoke access easier (one location)
Their video says it’s for advertisers with a lot of people and agencies to help them manage their ads and pages. I think this will bring value to larger organizations. If you go to https://business.facebook.com/ you can read more about it and see if you’re available for Business Manger
If you have access let me know how you like it.