When Pinterest first launched, they allowed people to put affiliate links. If you aren’t familiar, Affiliate links are ones that give the poster a percentage of any sales generated. At first there was controversy over who actually would get the credit. Would it be the pinner or Pinterest. They cleared that up and allowed them. Over the course of time they relented and removed them from the service. This left a lot of small business and pinners out a revenue stream.
This past month Pinterest reversed their course on affiliate links. This is from the Pinterest for Business blog:
In the past, we removed affiliate links from Pinterest because spammers were abusing them. Now that our spam detection system is so much stronger, we’re ready to allow affiliate links again. To make way for these changes, we’re making minor updates to our acceptable use policy. We’ll start rolling out all affiliate networks today and over the coming weeks.
It will be interesting to see what changes happen. The FTC, at last check, requires people to disclose that a link is an affiliate link. Therefore, you would need to put in your description that it is an affiliate link. This area is constantly changing. Just try to follow best practices and be as transparent as possible.