Last week the PR Firm Porter Novelli did an event about Social Media focusing in on Social in Corporate America. The panelist consisted of Burt Dumars from Newell Rubermaid, Angela LoSasso from Hewlett-Packard and Debbie Curtis-Magley from UPS and moderated by Jennifer Jones from Porter Novelli. It was great to have an event that was […]
Burt Dumars
Newall Rubbermaid – Social Media from a Multi Brand Perspective
Newell Rubbermaid: Social Media from a Multi-Brand Perspective, by Bert DuMars; presented by GasPedal and the SMBC from GasPedal on Vimeo. I’ve seen Mr. Dumars speak a few times this past week. I enjoy hearing him speak and here is a video of him speaking on social media. I hope you enjoy
AMA Atlanta Signature Lunch – Moving the Needle in a Tough Economy: Three Interactive Strategies That Paid Off Big in 2009?
I attended the January Signature Lunch for AMA Atlanta. I know I should have posted this on Wednesday, but my personal social media is like the story of the Cobbler. The cobblers kids have no shoes. I always put my stuff on the back burner. But, I plant to blog a lot more about events […]