I am reading a really great book, “War In the Boardroom, Why Left-Brain Management and Right-Brain Marketing Don’t See Eye-to-Eye – and what to do about it.” I saw Ms. Ries present at a recent AMA Atlanta/Atlanta Ad club event. It was one of the best presentations I have seen in a long time.
Take the quiz below to find out if you’re Right or Left Brained:
The quiz above is one to tell if you’re right or left brain. I got my assumption confirmed, I am a right brain person. It’s not a very long quiz but really fun to take.
While reading the book brought out some really interesting things. One of the biggest is that Marketing prefer the big picture and perceptions. Which when you think about it, makes a lot of sense. As Ms. Ries says “perception is reality” in the consumers minds. If a consumer thinks you’re not good quality, introducing a new product will be very difficult.
I am only just starting the book but it’s a very easy read so far. I got a jump on it yesterday when the power went out. I will write more about this when I finish the book.