This week in Social Media – September 9

Here are a few stories this week that I think everyone should know. Several things I have talked about before and new features on social media sites. Google Photos


Google Photos

Google Photos has become one of the premier sites for storing pictures. The search and uploading is seamless. In an update this week. The iOS app came up with motion reduction on live photos. Using the technology from the Motion Stills app. Motion Stills app is one Google released for iOS to do this and create gifs out of the live photos. Now it’s baked into the Google Photos.

Next, one feature I have wanted for a long time is sort albums chronologically or by latest uploaded. These will definitely come in handy. They said this feature will launch on Android soon. The updated Google Photos app is now live in the Apple App store.


Video Sharing on Facebook

Have you ever wanted to share a video with another page? If you said yes, Facebook is now allowing you to do just that. It will allow you to share videos across pages with different managers and admins. The gist of the post is to use the service you must be using Facebook manager. This description from Facebook does a better job than I could explaining:

“To get started, both Pages must agree to establish a crossposting relationship. The Publisher maintains complete control of their video; when uploading a video (or later in the Video Library) the publisher decides which Pages can have access to crosspost it. The Page looking to crosspost can then see videos available to post in the “Videos You Can Crosspost” tab in Publishing Tools.

Additionally, publishers can now use a video from their Video Library and crosspost it as a video ad through Ads Manager. The views that are generated by the video ad are also aggregated in the video metrics in Page Insights, illustrating the total performance of the asset across paid and organic distribution.”

One thing they have really done right is the analytics. The video owners will get analytics for all the pages that are crossposting. The individual pages will see video metrics just for their page. I think this has a lot of potential. If you’re new to Business Manager, it can be a bit wonky.

Read the full announcement on Facebook’s Media site.

Have a great weekend!


Tim is the founder of Element33. A social media agency specializing in education, management and strategy for small businesses. He comes from a traditional marketing agency but has embraced all things digital. He considers himself a marketing nerd and believes that all marketing is tied together. This means no matter what silo you are in, social, email, seach, etc, changes in one will affect the other!

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