Here are some really cool upgrades to WordPress. I love the update feature. You can upgrade all your plug ins at once. Which saves you a lot of time. Also, one thing I am looking forward to is the Image Editor. I was using it the other day and said, it would be awesome […]
FTC Guidelines for Bloggers in effect today
I know there are people asking, “What do the new blogger rules mean to me?” The new regulations went into effect today. For the majority of bloggers, these won’t change anything in their blogging habits. Most blogs out there are personal journals where they talk about their life and daily habits. These rules really affect […]
Blogger Relationship Building
Have you wanted to get into social media but haven’t had the time or knowledge? Consider a baby step into the realm. The blogosphere, simply the world of blogs, is a really small community that can work in your favor. Developing some key blogger relationships is key to success in the blogosphere. This is a […]
Is Social Media a Fad?
I have really loved social media and am constantly being asked if it will survive. To that I answer, Yes. I believe that it will be around in one form or another I don’t know if it will be Facebook or Twitter but social media is ingrained in people now, fast becoming a way of […]
Some of My Favorite WordPress Plugins
Here is a listing of some of my favorite WordPress plugins! They make blogging a lot easier. Analytics 360 This is a plug in that is done by Mail Chimp. If you’re not familar with Mail Chimp, they are an email marketing platform, which is simple to use and have great help and videos. They […]