
Shift from Print Media by Movie Theaters

Yahoo News reported today that many of the main movie theater chains are shifting away from print and focusing show time information online. As with many industires, they are always seeking ways to cut costs and going to online, the listings are free for the most part. The sties that give the information, such as […]

Gary Vaynerchuk Key Note

Ok, I have posted a lot of videos lately. This one I will warn you that it’s probably not work safe, he uses the F word and a few more. But I like what he has to say. We seem to share the same philosophy, content is king! Not just throwing something up but something […]

United Faces Social Media Firestorm

Social media has taken off with consumers to show displeasure with service they receive. This is evident by this video’s viral explosion. United Airlines is facing what Motrin, KFC and Domino’s Pizza went through months ago. The short story is Dave Carroll flew United to several tour dates, and when he was making a connecting […]

Marketing Jobs

Marketing trends Marketing jobs Here is the latest job trends in Marketing.I believe this is all over the country. Simply Hired says marketing jobs have fallen by 4% over all. Let’s hope that it turns around soon though. I was reading in AdAge that when hiring starts to pick up, agencies will be looking for […]

Podcasting – Basic How To Create a Podcast

Podcasting is a new media that is growing in popularity. According to Wikipedia Podcasting is: A podcast is a series of audio or video digital media files which is distributed over the Internet by syndicated download, through Web feeds, to portable media players and personal computers. Though the same content may also be made available […]