
Facebook Enters Live Video

Facebook has entered the live streaming arena. Before you get too excited, its currently just for verified pages through the Mentions App. Mentions is only available to pages and not verified profiles. It would be fair to say that most of us will not have access to this feature just yet. This feature is very […]

Why I like the Twitter App

I used to hate the Twitter app. It was the last resort for me to use it for anything. It sat on my devices for years before I started to use it. During this time I used Hootsuite, TweetBot and a few others. Each of them seemed to work way better than the official Twitter […]

New Facebook Messaging To Help Social Customer Service

Facebook is not one of those networks that stands still. Facebook is constantly innovating their service for the users and businesses. Sometimes these are great changes and other times they fail. This is the thing I like about Facebook. They aren’t afraid to fail at doing something different.  One change they announced last year was the new messaging […]