Goodbye to a Visonary

Yesterday I found out about the death of Steve Jobs, while playing trivia. I kept seeing Steve Jobs on the screen. I first thought it was about the iPhone announcement on Tuesday, but when I read the screen it said “Apple confirms the death of Steve Jobs.” I will say I was shocked. I knew […]

What I have learned….

This past Friday I was laid off from my job. It was not expected and still sinking in, it will really hit me tomorrow when I get up and don’t have to go into the office. But the experience really taught me a lot about me and improved my skills. So here is what I learned: A […]

ME0030 – Social & Mobile Search

Timothy Goleman talks about the Search. It’s not his strong suit but showcases his belief that all areas of marketing are intertwined. Its important to know how they interact. Bing announced this past month that they are using Facebook info, based on likes, to show you what interests your friends. He then takes it one […]

ME0029 – The Oprah Effect

Timothy Goleman talks about the Oprah Effect. That is the effect that Oprah had on the world of marketing. This includes books, non-profit and the annual Favorite Things edition. Who will take Oprah’s Place? Can anyone take her place. In a post Oprah world it will be interesting! @timgoleman Play in new […]