You may have launched your Facebook page and its going great! Now you want to dig into some of the analytics in Insights and you scratch your as to what it all means. If you’re new to the world of social analytics this should help you make sense of the Insights.
Now that the Pages redesign has happened they have redone to make it easier to find what you need. Just note this is not all the information Facebook collects for your page. You can always download the raw data in an Excel file and slide and dice the data as needed. However, if you’re wanting to get easy access to the info, the Insights dashboard will be just what you need.
Total Likes (Likes Tab)
Likes should not be your only measurement of your Page health. Likes are very important because with out them, your posts won’t show up in the news feed. Theoretically, the more people like your posts the bigger reach you will have. The posts will show up in your fans news feed when they interact with your content. The reason this is so important is because if you notice a trend of negative growth on your likes, it’s an indicator that your content isn’t working with your fans. It would be wise to refine your strategy and try to reverse that trend. Don’t worry if one day you have a slight dip in likes, that happens to all pages from time to time. The worry is if its a trend that keeps going for longer than a week.
Post reach is the amount of people who have been exposed to your post. It doesn’t mean they actually saw it or interacted with it. It just means it showed up in their news feed and they scrolled across the screen. If you see a spike in this number that means one of your posts were popular among your fans. This could be more people liked, commented or shared the post. It would be wise to look through your posts and see which one spurred the engagement. Once found try to figure out why the post was so successful and see if you can incorporate it into your social strategy.
Page and Tab Visits (Visit Tab)
If you have multiple tabs this is going to be one of the most important analytics. This is especially true if you have paid for tabs. This will tell you how many visits you get to the Timline (aka feed), and each tab will be listed in the graph. This is important if you have paid for tabs from third party vendors. You want to make sure that your fans are actually visiting the tabs. If they are not you will need to rethink your tab strategy. There is no need to pay for a tab that no one is interacting with on a significant basis.
This is one of the analytics I use the most for all my clients. This not only breaks down when your fans interact with you through out the day, but also which days are better. When they first released this it was one of the best things analytic tools they offer. The reason is you don’t want to post when your fans aren’t online. You want to post when you can reach the most people and the days they are most active. I would check this at least monthly to make sure there is no change in your fans habits.
This is a tab you may not know is here if you’re a beginner. This tab gives you the demographics of all your fans. It breaks it down from Men and Women. Then by age group. So you can see if you’re reaching Men 18-24 or Women 35-45. It’s located under the People tab. Also, you can see what countries and cities you are most popular in. It’s a great info to make sure you’re reaching your target market.
These analytics are great for an overview or on the go. Hopefully it will let you do a deeper dive on your analytics to discover even more about your page. I”ll go over the posts in a more in-depth post soon! They list out your engagement and how engaging they are with your fans.
Note: Images used with permission not necessarily from the same page.