It’s been a minute since I last updated the blog. I needed to take some time off and refocus on things. I celebrated one year at my current job as a Social Media Specialist. It allowed me to focus on the things I loved and ignore the things I didn’t. Such as new business, accounting, forecasting, […]
Need Help Scheduling Instagram… There’s an App for that!
If you are new or old to social media, posting to get maximum reach is something you want to do with every post. You could dig into your analytics, see when people are on your Instagram and start to do some testing to see when you get the most engagement and reach. However, if you […]
Creative Uses of Instagram Stories by Regal Cinema & HBO
When you think about Instagram Stories, you immediately think about things that are happening right now. It’s supposed to be done in the moment. Being a brand you don’t always have the luxury of posting things as they happen, you need to wait for the launch. This won’t give anything away. Or you want to […]
Review of Instagram Stories – Should You Share?
Instagram Stories has been around for about three weeks. Long enough to get a gauge on how the service works. The adoption among my friends has been more than I was expecting. Many of them made the joke that SnapChat was coming to Instagram. However, they have all started to use it more and more. So let’s […]
Instagram’s Algorithm News Feed goes Live
The moment people have either been waiting for or dreading has arrived. The algorithm for the Instagram news feed has gone live! Well, not totally live, it’s rolling out over the month of June. This is definitely going to be a game changer on Instagram. Good or bad it’s something we have to live with […]
Instagram Officially Announces Brand Profiles
It’s official! Brand profiles are coming to Instagram. I have posted about this, and there has been much speculation. Instagram published a post today about what is coming. The speculation has been running wild on the net. I have had plenty of questions that haven’t been answered. We get a few more answers and before […]
Post Like a Rockstar
Tonight I was flipping through my Instagram and kept seeing these odd pictures. They were being posted by the band Maroon5. They were all parts of pictures and it was one right after another. At first I was like, is this a mistake? What in the world are they doing? I clicked on their profile […]
Instagram to get Analytics
One of the biggest gripes of brand about Instagram is about to change. To get analytics you had to do it by hand or get a third party service. The first was very time consuming. Trust me I know I have done some manual tabulation of Instagram. The later can be very expensive. It can […]
New Look for Instagram
When you update Instagram you may notice some changes. The first thing you notice is there is a new logo. The camera icon we have come to love over the last 6 years is gone. They have a brand new logo. But that’s not all that has changed with the app! First, I am not […]
Instagram Vs. Snap Chat – Which should you be on?
Instagram and Snapchat are similar services. Both involve images and videos. However, there is one big difference. On Instagram pictures stay and on Snapchat they disappear after viewing, or if a story a day. So which of these services should you be on for your marketing? If I was giving advice to a client I […]