All posts by

Timothy Goleman

Top ME Posts for October

I have seen other blogs do this and figured why not tell what the top posts of the month were! Marketingland does it for the week but since I just do one post a day I figure I need to post the top posts of that month. So what has been the most read posts […]

Mobile Series – Typorama Tutorial

Typorama is an app that’s very similar to WordSwag. It allows you to create various sizes of images with text over them. Unlike WordSwag, Typorama will create images for all different social networks. It also will allow you to put a shadow behind your text so the words can be read against a background. There […]

Google Play will now have Podcasts

In the early days of podcasting, iTunes and Apple was synonymous with the medium. Every show you listed too said “subscribe on iTunes.” While iTunes is still big for podcasting, other services are now taking away from the once dominant iTunes. They include Pocket Casts, Stitcher and even Spotify. I personally think the change is […]

What is YouTube Red? Why Does it Matter?

This past week Google announced the long awaited YouTube Red. Red, as it’s called for short, is a subscriptions service for YouTube. I hear some of you going, “Isn’t YouTube free? Why do I need a subscription?” Well, I”m glad you asked! The subscription will allow you to watch original content and not have ads! […]

Twitters Embedding is About to get Better

Have you ever wanted to tell a story with posts from Twitter? But you’re stuck with adding each embed one right after the other. After a while it seems like the embeds will never end? If you have to show over 2-3 Tweets, it just looks cluttered. Each one of the tweets is separate and […]

Mobile Series – Instagram Boomerang

Instagram has been adding apps to enhance your experience. The first was Hyperlapse, which is an awesome video capture program. Then they released Layouts that is their official collage greater. Lastly is the new app called Boomerang. Boomerang was just released this past week. What is Boomerang? “It’s not a photo. It’s not a gif. […]