All posts by

Timothy Goleman

Goggle + is not Dead!

Many of us have been wondering what is going on with Google+. There have been very few updates to the service. Most of the movement has been to breaking services out (i.e. photos, hangouts) than improving what is there. This week we finally got an answer. They are evolving Google+ to focus on the strengths […]

Why you should Focus on Mobile

  You keep hearing that Mobile is the wave of the future. In the US this is very true. Pew Research center did a survey of Young Adults and device ownership. It looked at young people between 18-29 years old. What did they find?  Some interesting facts to note: 86% have Smart Phones 50% have […]

Pinterest Takes Search to the Next Level

Pinterest is releasing a “crazy-fun” search tool. What does that mean? Now you will be able to find items similar to items that are in a pin you like. This means they are going all in on image search. This is a great new tool for the service. Pinterest is a visual social network and searching […]

Go Reto with Polamatic

Do you remember the days of going to the store, buying film and taking pictures? Long before digital cameras there were Polaroid cameras. They were an instant camera and you could see the picture you just took, minutes after you shot it. It would develop right before your eyes. Hence the line from Outkast “Shake […]