All posts by

Timothy Goleman

Break Time is Over

If you have wondered where I have been, I needed to take a little break to refocus on the site. I want to put up content that I think is of value to small businesses and agencies. I was posting 5 days a week and some days I felt it wasn’t my best content. I […]

Whataburger’s Meme Play

I am a huge fan of Whataburger! They always seem to have fun with their social. Today, however, they stepped it up! I’m sure you have seen the “Be smart like (insert name).” meme’s going around. The meme’s started to take off last week. I have seen them everywhere. I tried to do one but, all […]

Don’t Be Needy on Social Media

There is one pet peeve I have in social media. It just annoys me! Social Times wrote 5 Annoying Direct Message on Twitter. The number one on the list is my all time favorite, well that one and a combo of number three. Direct messages should be used for a dialog with someone rather than […]

Which Social Sends The Most Traffic

If you are after page views where are you to go? What social media is best in sending organic traffic? Note, this will feature organic rather than paid traffic. I have covered some paid social promotion in the past. This is my experience with clients and personal posting. So what services should you be using? […]

Why You Need to Pay To Play

Gone are the days of organic growth on Facebook. In the early 2010’s you could put up a page and once it gained momentum it would start growing. There seemed to be a tipping point where growth would happen exponentially. Now, it’s a trickle of people who will find your page and the engagement rate […]