What’s Next Blog (http:// www.whatsnextblog.com/archives/2009/10/10_things_social_media_cant_do.asp) posted a few unrealistic things that social media consultants are telling clients. Substitute for marketing strategy You can’t substitute social media for a marketing strategy. You still need to have an comprehensive marketing plan that is more then just social media. Social media can be a part of it but […]
Atlanta Integrated Marekting Sumit
This week I attended the Atlanta Integrated Marketing Summit! It was a really good conference held at the Renaissance Waverly Hotel at the Gallaria. I am working on a post for this, but I learned so much there that I’m still sorting the information. If you can go next year I highly recommend it.
Why Twitter is good for your business!
The question of the moment – how can I effectively use Twitter to enhance my business? Twitter is just one of a plethora of social media tools that every one is using and if you’re tweeting you’ll want to do more. Here are a few things you can do to make your twitter more interesting: […]
Is Social Media a Fad?
I have really loved social media and am constantly being asked if it will survive. To that I answer, Yes. I believe that it will be around in one form or another I don’t know if it will be Facebook or Twitter but social media is ingrained in people now, fast becoming a way of […]
Are you an Advocate?
One thing I have learned the last few AMA lunches and through Guest Relations Marketing are your biggest supports can help you spread information about your company/product/service to others. These individuals can be some of your best ambassadors. This is done by one of the most effective forms of advertising, Word of Mouth. You may […]
Right or Left Brain?
I am reading a really great book, “War In the Boardroom, Why Left-Brain Management and Right-Brain Marketing Don’t See Eye-to-Eye – and what to do about it.” I saw Ms. Ries present at a recent AMA Atlanta/Atlanta Ad club event. It was one of the best presentations I have seen in a long time. Take […]
Podcasting – Basic How To Create a Podcast
Podcasting is a new media that is growing in popularity. According to Wikipedia Podcasting is: A podcast is a series of audio or video digital media files which is distributed over the Internet by syndicated download, through Web feeds, to portable media players and personal computers. Though the same content may also be made available […]
Podcasting – What is it?
Podcasting is one of those catch phrases going around today. It’s one of those tech terms you may have heard but don’t quite understand what it is, but you know it’s something new and exciting. Well podcasting, to put it plainly, is broadcast that can be downloaded and consumed at a later time. The broadcast […]