The last part of the SBSS is about social media analytics. I am going to explain some of the different analytics you should be viewing on a regular basis. Most of these will be very simple to look up and won’t take much effort. However, if you want to do some in depth analytics, most […]
Get Instagram Analytics with InsTrack
Using Analytics for a small business can be challenging. One of the most challenging to do his Instagram. This is because there are no built-in analytics in Instagram. Other social media sites such as the Facebook insights or Twitter or Analytics. And one of the most annoying things to me is that Instagram doesn’t use dates […]
Pinterest Analytics – Overview
Pinterest does a great job in letting people know what services they offer for business accounts. They have been one of the most proactive social media platforms in informing. Other services you find out about things second hand and wonder how to use certain features. This video put out by Pinterest gives you a great […]
Google Analytics Just got Easier
I am all about doing stuff on the go. Checking Google analytics has been one of those things you needed a third party app to use on your iOS device. They have been good apps and give you the info you need but Google didn’t have an official app. Back in 2011 I got my […]
ME0033 – Social Analytics – Facebook
Marketing Elements Episdoe 33 – Social Analytics – Facebook from Tim Goleman on Vimeo. This is the second part in my analytics posts. The first was an overview of what analytics there are in social. This specifically deals with reporting Facebook Insights. The spread sheet, as given by Chuck Hemann at the Social Media Conference […]
Social Media Analytics – 101 the Basics
There seems to be a lot of talk lately about what are metrics in social media and how to measure them. I have taken a crash course in analytics the last few months and have discovered some of the key metrics you should look at in judging success. The metrics for Facebook are: Likes – […]
HootSuite’s new Custom Analytics
HootSuite Social Analytics from HootSuite on Vimeo. I saw last night that HootSuite was updating. It made me wonder what they were up too. Hootsuite is my favorite social media tool and yes I am a paid member. I know there are plenty of you out there that aren’t fans of paying for a social […]
Twitter Analytics – Its coming!
I work mainly with small businesses in my consulting. The one area I seem to have the most problems is finding information for reporting purposes. I know many of you out there use Radiant6, and other tools, but having a much-limited budget, I have to put together information where I can get it. Which can […]
Social Media Analytics – On a Budget
I have been scouring the Internet looking for ways to judge the effectiveness of social media. Granted you could use some of the programs, such as Radiant6. But, if you are in a position with not many resources here are a few tools to help you check judge the effectiveness of your efforts: Google Analytics […]