When you think about Instagram Stories, you immediately think about things that are happening right now. It’s supposed to be done in the moment. Being a brand you don’t always have the luxury of posting things as they happen, you need to wait for the launch. This won’t give anything away. Or you want to […]
The Football Promotion that went a foul
Doing promotions is supposed to be a good thing for business. It’s used to generate traffic and sales. They are generally set up to get the customers the best deal without losing money. They should be well thought out and not on the spur of the moment. When you do quick deals sometimes things can […]
Workplace By Facebook – Now Released
After a few years of speculation and beta testing. Facebook’s enterprise network has finally been released. What we had come to know as Facebook at Work is now called “Workplace By Facebook.” It was announced yesterday in their London office. If you’re not familiar with this, Workplace has been around since 2014. It’s a private […]
YouTube made it Easier to Disclose Paid Promotion
If you’re a marketer or an influencer disclosing paid promotion is a must. On YouTube there has been no official way to put this in your video. That is until now. This week YouTube announced they are going to make it easier for creators to disclose Paid Promotion. Up until now there was a check […]
Should you have a Paid Social Strategy?
Social media is free right? Why should you have to pay to play on social media? It’s just a waste of money, isn’t it? I have heard these questions and more when I bring up a paid social media strategy. Most are reluctant to spend money. After I explain what social media is and how […]
Would You Sell on Facebook Messenger?
Facebook has updated the messenger platform to 1.2. This incremental jump has brought one interesting feature. It will allow businesses to sell products through messenger. The entire transaction will take place in the Messenger platform. This is going beyond bots for customer service. Facebook is giving a new spin on e-commerce. This service is currently […]
Is Facebook Live coming to desktop?
There is a rumor going around that Facebook is going to launch the Live service on desktop. I have read it on a few blogs and thought I would weigh in on this topic. According to Social Times, Facebook has confirmed that over the next few months that the Live service will be on computers […]
This week in Social Media – September 9
Here are a few stories this week that I think everyone should know. Several things I have talked about before and new features on social media sites. Google Photos Google Photos Google Photos has become one of the premier sites for storing pictures. The search and uploading is seamless. In an update this week. The […]
Making Twitter Easier with Lists
Twitter lists are one of those little-used features that many people may not know about. They have been around for almost as long as Twitter itself, I think. Twitter lists are a list of users that you can organize around topics, business units and more. They can be public or private. If you are anything […]
What You Need to Know This Week In Social Media Aug 25th
This week in social wasn’t a terribly busy week. There are a few things that I wanted to share with you that happened this week. This isn’t everything that happened but some of the high notes. Twitter Adds DM to Websites. Announcing our new Message button. Now people can easily slide into your DMs from […]